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And now, the journal dedicated to the child singlehandedly responsible for the world's diaper toxicity crisis: Mr. "Where else would you like me to put it?" -Isaiah

Today's Entry: Nothing more than memories

2004-12-05 - 2:46 p.m.

If life is nothing more than a collection of memories, the kids and I added a few more unusual episodes to our lives today.

The family and I were returning from our customary Sunday morning breakfast at Denny's when we passed the fields behind SIU's dairy farm off Chatauqua. The fields were black with starlings migrating south for the winter. The leftover kernels of corn that are scattered over the fields after a harvest attract birds of all kinds this time of year. I pulled over to watch the swirling black cloud when suddenly I looked at the kids and we all got the same idea. The doors of the car burst open and the three older kids and I tore across the field, chasing up wave after wave of birds.

The walk back to the car was marked by a corn cob fight where Nathan's lethal arm earned me a cob in the middle of the forehead.

While Brenda was finishing the Christmas decorations, Nathan, Elijah and I went to Lowe's to buy a 96-gallon garbage can. The boys took turns riding in the can till we reached the counter. Nathan hid in the can knowing the cashier always looks inside during check-out. When she lifted the lid he said hi and waved. The cashier jumped back and almost dropped her laser gun. The boys and the rest of the cashiers nearby had a good laugh at the prank. The boys couldn't wait to get home to tell Mom.

It always amazes me how the simplest of activities yields the best memories. I hope I never forget that lesson.

When I got home, Kelsey and Isaiah had been in the basement listening to music but Isaiah started getting fussy. As I'm sitting here typing, Kelsey has just come out of Isaiah's room after trying to put him down for his nap. "He's turned into a big grump." She said, shaking her head. Hey, I said, that happens. Someday you realize life is not always getting what you want but often what someone else thinks is best for you! Come to think of it, I'd be grumpy too if someone tried to put me down for a nap...wait a minute. That's not true. I'd love a nap.

Well, he's hollering right now. I better go see if rocking him a while will help. Off to make more memories, but Isaiah will probably never remember them.

I'm back a couple hours later. No nap for the kid. He's developing a precocious stubborn streak. Used to be Brenda and I could point at each other if the kids misbehaved, and blame each other's generations. But we're in uncharted territory here.

Later on Isaiah and I helped Brenda put the pine boughs on the staircase. Little Isaiah was in and out of our legs, going up and down the stairs. Here's what he looks like from the top of the second floor landing. Kinda small, huh?



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Conception<< - >>Birth


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