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And now, the journal dedicated to the child singlehandedly responsible for the world's diaper toxicity crisis: Mr. "Where else would you like me to put it?" -Isaiah

Today's Entry: Summer's over

2006-08-14 - 8:43 p.m.

Well, summer is over. But with homeschooling families, that usually doesn't make much of a difference--schooling just keeps going on and on! Here is Isaiah with Rodney, shortly before the little cat met an unfortunate end hiding underneath the minivan.

Isaiah adamantly maintains this hat is a "Zorro hat" and argues with anyone who would say he looks like a cowboy. He continues to have a fascination with swords, be they plastic or metal, and often looks for ways to catch his brothers by surprise with a quick jab to an unprotected belly.

Shortly after Kelsey won her gold metal in martial arts 'musical forms' in a tae kwon do international competition here in Carbondale, Isaiah took a stab at Elijah.

The Gates males had the first annual testoterone saturated 'gates men's retreat and kayaking campout' a couple weeks ago. We camped at Kinkaid lake with cliff jumping and burned hot dogs. It was a blast.


- - 2009-02-12

Back in the saddle again - 2008-02-12

Jack makes out like a pirate - 2007-09-29

Cruise control - 2007-02-17

Mexico Orphanage trip - 2006-11-23

Conception<< - >>Birth


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